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Grand Master Pravin Thipsay addresses students of Great Lakes Institute of Management

Beyond Business-Pravin Thipsay at GLIM (1)

Mumbai / Chennai, 05th August 2022: With Chennai playing host to the 44th Chess Olympiad, Grand Master Pravin Thipsay, head of the Indian Contingent for the Olympiad, addressed the students of Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai on Managerial Lessons from the Game of Chess. The lecture was part of the Beyond Business – Talk Series organised by the institute at their campus on 4th August.

Mr. Thipsay, an Arjuna Awardee enlightened the students on the management lessons drawn from the game of chess. “We play chess in our daily life. The game is a gymnasium of the brain,” he said while comparing the chess player to an artist.”

The art of playing chess, Mr. Thipsay said, reforms one’s personality as it is a logic-based game. He highlighted that the game helps a person to think independently, prioritise, choose, and develop inquisitiveness.

“Inquisitiveness is crucial in knowing the game,” he said while sharing his journey in identifying his passion in the game of chess. “After a move, we must always anticipate the opponent’s thought process. We should analyse the problems and identify solutions for the same,” he added.

Mr. Thipsay elaborated upon how chess proved to be a medical remedy for hyper-active children and those suffering other brain related disorders like Alzheimers. “In both life and in chess, one must develop clarity of mind and a clear thought process,” he explained.

Thipsay also had a candid interactive session with the students and answered several of their questions.

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