Swami Dayamritananda Puri, Amma’s representative for North and Central America, attended to collaborate with members of Mexico’s elected assembly, the Chamber of Deputies.
MEXICO CITY / March 2023: The Mexico-Republic of India Friendship Group met in Mexico City to discuss various issues related to this year’s Group of 20 Summit (G20), of which India is host and Mexico is a member.
On the occasion, the Chair of the Friendship Group, Mexico’s Deputy Salvador Caro Cabrera (Movimiento Ciudadano), said the objective was to promote dialogue with India’s Civil 20 (C20) Engagement Group, of which Sri. Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma) is Chair. As Amma’s representative for North and Central America, Swami Dayamritananda Puri also attended the meeting with representatives of Mexico’s Embassy of India to collaborate with members of Mexico’s elected assembly, the Chamber of Deputies.
At the meeting, Mr. Caro Cabrera said that since C20’s purpose is to provide a space for civil society organisations (CSOs) around the world to bring their voices to the G20, his country Mexico wishes to also extend their contribution in favour of social innovation. He highlighted his conviction that good public activity and politics are not done from the mind, from reason, but from the heart. “Only from the heart can we understand that we are all one, and when we understand this, kindness and compassion become the motor of the activities of public life and that allows us to make a difference,” he said.
Swami Dayamritananda noted that C20 is an inclusive, transparent and action-oriented group and it is for the first time that a spiritual leader (Amma) has been appointed its Chair. “Amma does not want to propose policies that do not include the experiences of the people and NGOs who work directly with underprivileged communities. Instead, she wants to draw inspiration from innovative NGOs that lead by example in the G20 countries,” he said. “These examples can later be implemented in their respective countries. The Group will focus on work topics such as art, culture, transparency, environment, and lifestyle, among others. It will make recommendations to influence public policy.”
The Deputy Vice-President of the Friendship Group’s Board of Directors, Marcela Guerra Castillo (Partido Revolucionario Institucional), said: “The Friendship Group has produced many results for bilateral understanding. The opportunity to go to India will be very important for Mexico.” She emphasized that now it is India’s turn to preside over the group of the 20 strongest economies in the world and that the leaders of these countries will discuss problems and seek immediate solutions for the good of all nations, including Mexico.
“This C20 that Amma chairs—what better than a woman like her to chair it? Since it is in conjunction with more than 600 civil associations, the world’s leaders can better understand the problems that afflict not only women, but also the poorest and the neediest,” she said.
The Mexico-Republic of India Friendship Group was officially inaugurated on March 23, 2022 at the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico. It helps maintain lasting contact between the Chamber of Deputies, both countries’ Parliaments, and Indian diplomatic representatives.