justify;stry, has released a trailer of an incredible video honoring Mumbai’s infamous Dabbawalas. HonesTea with Anubhav, a CSB podcast hosted by the CEO of Chai Sutta Bar Mr. Anubhav Dubey, is featuring the head of Mumbai Dabbawala in one of their episodes. Anubhav also worked as a one-day Dabbawala alongside the Mumbai Dabbawalas.
The second episode of the podcast will feature Anubhav Dubey aka Kulhad man of India delivering Dabbas alongside the Dabbawalas, riding a bicycle, as well as a candid interview with the association’s chairman, Saurabh Talekar, and learning about the rich history of 132 years of delivering foods to Mumbai office goers..
Mr. Anubhav Dubey, CEO, of Chai Sutta Bar, said: “The story of the Mumbai dabbawalas who deliver lunch boxes to nearly 2 lakh people every day, traveling an average of 60 to 70 kilometers, and the accuracy with which they are delivered, as well as their commitment to the customers, is commendable and a source of much learning about discipline, timing, and resilience.”
“As young entrepreneurs like us who are into the food and service industry can learn so much from them in terms of QSR, on-time delivery and much more and most importantly to be true towards your work” he added.
The Mumbai Dabbawalas are a well-known entity in Mumbai, and their work has earned them worldwide acclaim. During his 2003 visit to India, Prince Charles recognized and appreciated their work.
HonesTea with Anubhav is a podcast that features stories that can change people’s lives in a variety of ways. The first episode features Johnny Hotdog, Indore’s famous hot dog chain that holds the Guinness World Record for delivering more than 7 lac hot dogs online in 6 months.
The full video of the interview will be available on Chai Sutta Bar’s official YouTube channel.