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Chhalaang 2.0: 258 Women in Tech Shake Up Bengaluru, Hacking the Gender Gap

Bangalore, India – April 13, 2024 – Chhalaang 2.0, India’s largest women-only hackathon organized by MetaMorph, brought together over 500 tech enthusiasts at the Microsoft for Startups office in Bangalore. The event witnessed a convergence of more than 258 talented women in tech for a 12-hour marathon of innovation, addressing real-world challenges presented by industry leaders such as Gameskraft, Groww, Bureau, DMI Finance, and Veera.

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Chhalaang was not just a hackathon; it was a celebration of diversity and a platform for aspiring women to showcase their brilliance. From devising solutions for Gameskraft to reimagining the mobile browsing experience with Veera, these emerging tech leaders showcased their prowess and potential. Gameskraft, a leading force in India’s online gaming scene, proudly served as the title sponsor for the event, while Microsoft for Startups extended its support as the event sponsor. Additionally, Plum, a digital healthcare platform, contributed generously as a prize sponsor, enhancing the overall experience for participants.

With a total prize pool of ₹7 lakhs up for grabs, Team Django Dynamo emerged victorious, claiming the grand prize of ₹3 lakhs. CodeDivas secured second place, and Init to Win It came in third. However, beyond the monetary rewards, the true essence of the event lay in the camaraderie, shared passion, and the resounding message that women are an indispensable force in the tech industry.

In its second year, Chhalaang reaffirms MetaMorph’s commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, aiming to empower women and create a future where talent thrives without barriers. The event also witnessed the participation of esteemed industry veterans such as Mathangi Sri Ramachandran, Chief Data Officer at Yubi, and Ajit Narayanan, Chief Product & Technology Officer at Licious, who served as jury members.

Sanam Rawal, Founding Partner at MetaMorph says, “Chhalaang 2.0 is a testament to the incredible potential of women in tech. By providing a platform for them to showcase their skills and collaborate, we are creating a ripple effect that will inspire future generations of female tech leaders.”

Swati Gupta, Core Team – Acquisitions and Diversity at MetaMorph, shared her enthusiasm: “It’s been incredibly rewarding to see Chhalaang 2.0 come to life. The energy and innovation on display were truly inspiring. This is just the beginning – we are committed to empowering women in tech and bridging the gender gap in the industry, and Chhalaang is just the start to move in that direction”

Chhalaang 2.0 exemplifies the power of collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, setting a precedent for future endeavors aimed at bridging the gender gap in the tech industry.

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