Bengaluru, May 2021: Tata Motors, India’s leading automotive brand, today announced the auction winner of its Tata Punch Kaziranga Edition, held between May 1-3, 2022. The auction took place on the side-lines of the ongoing Tata Indian Premier League, during which Tata IPL fans placed their bids online to win a Tata Punch Kaziranga Edition, at a starting bid of INR 9.49 lakhs. Mr. Ameen Khan, from Pune, was announced as the winner with the highest bid. Furthermore, as a commitment to conserve the biodiversity of the country, Tata Motors will donate the proceeds from this auction towards the wildlife conservation efforts at Kaziranga National Park, Assam.
The vehicle key handover ceremony was organized at the famous Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In addition to the car, Mr. Khan received tickets to the Tata IPL league match in Mumbai along with two tickets to the most awaited Tata IPL finals at Ahmedabad. He also received a unique Rhino plaque signed by the captains of all the Tata IPL teams, Tata Punch Kaziranga accessories for his new car along with a refreshing and all-expense paid trip for four to the beautiful Kaziranga National Park.
Speaking at this occasion, Mr. Rajan Amba, Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Customer Care, Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Ltd. said, “We are delighted to announce Mr. Ameen Khan as the winner of our Tata Punch – Kaziranga Edition auction and we thank him for his generous contribution, which in turn will be used for a cause we deeply believe in. At Tata Motors, we are committed to help preserve the astonishing biodiversity of our country, a pledge we have endeavoured to meet, by consistently working on our offerings, our engagement with various stakeholders as well as through various initiatives. With the proceeds going towards ensuring the ongoing conservation and well-being of the Kaziranga National Park, we have taken yet another step towards this promise. I congratulate Mr. Khan for his brand new Tata Punch and thank him again for recognizing our efforts and playing an active role in safeguarding our mighty national parks.”
Celebrating its leadership position in the SUV segment, Tata Motors introduced the ‘Untamed Kaziranga Edition of SUVs’ earlier this year, which was inspired by India’s rich geographical and biological diversity while also paying homage to India’s national parks. With the symbol of Kaziranga – The Great Indian One-horned Rhino, known worldwide for its agility and power – this range reinforced the ‘Go-Anywhere’ DNA of the true SUV line-up from Tata Motors. This iconic, one-of-a-kind edition of SUVs include India’s first and safest sub-compact SUV, the Punch; India’s first GNCAP 5-star-rated car, the Nexon; the company’s premium SUV with the Land Rover DNA,– the Harrier and its flagship 7-seater SUV, the Safari.