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Pescafresh earns the stamp of trust by Integrative Medicine and Lifestyle Expert Luke Coutinho

LC Stamp OG

February 2023 :

Pescafresh, India’s first home delivery service for fresh seafood and meats has collaborated with Luke Coutinho, an award-winning Integrative Medicine and Lifestyle Expert. Now all Pescafresh seafood, eggs & meat products will carry a “Curated by Luke Coutinho” stamp of approval which stands for safety, quality, and chemical-free product.

“I personally admire Luke Coutinho and the larger work he has accomplished in selflessly helping lakhs of people with his integrative and preventive healthcare practice. His work and care for cancer patients have been outstanding. As a brand, Pescafresh is built on the principle of freshness and passion. Our values are very strong when it comes to serving only the safest and best quality products to our customers, whether it is our fresh seafood, which is sourced daily from over 80 landing centers, or our No Antibiotics Ever (NAE) chicken, that is the first and only one-of-its-kind in India. We are elated with this exclusive association with Luke Coutinho for the seafood and meats category in India. This validation and his insights will assist us immensely in furthering our mission as a brand to create world-class products.’’ said Sangram Sawant, Founder, of Pescafresh.

Speaking about the association, Luke Coutinho shared, “Through years of working with patients with various conditions, me and my team have identified that one of the gaps in holistic nutrition is adequate protein in their diet. Protein is an essential macronutrient and a vital component of a balanced cellular diet. Meats, eggs, and seafood are some of the main sources of non-vegetarian protein. Along with the quantity, what’s equally crucial is the quality. Our search for the best of the best led us to discover Pescafresh and its vision of ethically sourced, superior quality, and fresh meats, eggs, and seafood that are without any preservatives, colors, or growth hormones. The ‘Curated by Luke Coutinho’ stamp is given only to hand-picked brands that align with our mission to reset the food chain of the country. With complete trust in their commitment to delivering the best and the level of stringency they display with product quality, we are delighted to be associated with them.”

Luke is the Lifestyle and Wellness Champion for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Fit India Movement. Luke co-founded You Care Lifestyle, India’s trusted sustainable e-commerce portal, which offers ethical, transparent, and honest products, with a farmers-first concept. He is also the founder and chief program mentor for Integrative Nutrition and Dietetics courses at the Lifeness Science Institute (LSI) that skills passionate young minds.

Pescafresh offers more than 75 varieties of seafood. Their No Antibiotics Ever (NAE) chicken and NAE free-range eggs stand to be the bestsellers in the market. In June 2022, the brand launched Pescalive, the world’s first online LIVE seafood and meat market, which streams on the brand’s app every morning. The tech property was unveiled in Mumbai alongside the founder, Sangram Sawant, by actors Neil Nitin Mukesh, Kunal Vijaykar, and Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor.

Pescafresh is currently available in Mumbai, Pune, and Bengaluru, and will soon launch its operations in Delhi and Hyderabad.

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