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A Woman of Valor by Fred Skolnik now available from Histria Books

A Woman of Valor by Fred Skolnik now available from Histria Books

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of A Woman of Valor by Fred Skolnik. The book is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding original works of fiction.

A Woman of Valor is a monumental family saga that is in effect a history of the Jews in the twentieth century. It centers around a heroine who grows up in Bialystok, survives the Holocaust fighting in the Underground, and rebuilds her family in Israel.

The Lefkovitzes are a well-to-do family of five brothers and sisters and sixteen children operating a textile factory that employs 100 Poles and Jews. Emma Lefkovitz, the first grandchild, is born in September 1920 in independent Poland. The children grow up in an often hostile environment but the family flourishes. Then the war breaks out and the long nightmare begins. When the ghetto is liquidated in August 1943, Emma and her husband fight in the uprising, but it is easily suppressed and they flee to the forest to join the partisans. After the war, Emma and her husband, Yoel, make their way to Palestine with other family survivors. In the 1948 war, Emma fights in the Old City of Jerusalem. Yoel fights in the north. Emma gives birth to a boy, Zvi, then marries the kibbutz accountant and moves to Tel Aviv. After the war the family continues to grow, experiencing the joys and sorrows of ordinary people.

Rarely has ordinary family life been depicted with such verisimilitude, and certainly not in the shadow of horrendous war. The triumph of the Lefkovitzes is not only the triumph of a family. It is also the triumph of a nation. The author, Fred Skolnik, was born in New York City and lives in Israel. He is the author of six previous novels. He is also editor-in-chief of the 22-volume second edition of Encyclopaedia Judaica.

A Woman of Valor, 650 pp., ISBN 978-1-59211-143-5, is available at and from all major book retailers. The book is also available in eBook format. Titles published under the various imprints of Histria Books are distributed worldwide by the Independent Publishers Group. For information on publishing with Histria Books, please visit or contact us at

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