Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of the award-winning book Olympia: The Birth of the Games by John A. Martino and Michael P. O’Kane in paperback. The book is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding original works of fiction. It was recently honored with a first-prize Chaucer Award for Historical Fiction in the Chanticleer International Book Awards
In ancient Greece and across the Mediterranean, kingdoms strive for dominance. The great powers of Carthage and Egypt look on with avarice as the might of the Greeks is spent warring between themselves, oblivious to external dangers. Year in and year out, the people suffer at the hands of their rulers and the famine and pestilence that comes with conflict. Yet often hope springs from the most unlikely sources. There is one amongst the Greeks who sees light where others only perceive darkness. One who sees that there is another way to settle conflict – with honor and courage. One who will set aflame a torch that will burn for thousands of years, down through the ages. In an epoch of chaos and strife, a new force for peace is born with the first Olympic Games.
Olympia: The Birth of the Games is the brainchild of two distinguished authors: Dr. Michael O’Kane is a published academic author who has worked extensively with Australian Aboriginal communities. Michael lives with his partner Erin, their two children Felix and Patrick and their curly retriever Molly. Dr. John A. Martino is a disabled veteran, honorably discharged from the Australian Defense Force. He wrote his PhD in Classical History through Monash University and the University of Melbourne on martial violence in the Old World and the New. The book is enriched with a foreword by Professor Alexis Lyras, founder and president of the ‘Olympism For Humanity Alliance’.
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Olympia: The Birth of the Games, 228 pp., ISBN 978-1-59211-154-1, is available at HistriaBooks.com and from all major book retailers. The book is also available in hardcover, eBook, and audiobook formats. Titles published under the various imprints of Histria Books are distributed worldwide by the Independent Publishers Group. For information on publishing with Histria Books, please visit HistriaBooks.com or contact us at info@histriabooks.com