Anand Mahindra is fairly active on X, previously known as Twitter, and often tweets about heart touching and inspirational people, inventions and also intriguing events. In his latest tweet the Chairman and team member, Mahindra Group has shared a video on a device, which according to him, takes cooking to the next level. The device, named On2Cook and touted as the ‘world’s fastest cooking device’, impressed Anand Mahindra so much so that he has expressed a strong desire to know more about the device and how it’s doing in the market.
In his tweet, Mahindra said, “Many have attempted to take cooking devices to the next level: Automated appliances, robotic kitchens and so on…This one looks innovative, yet a modest enough change to encourage adoption. Would love to learn more about how it’s doing in the market.” Within 24 hours the tweet has been viewed more than 243K times, liked by close to 3000, and reposted and quoted multiple times, making it go viral.
The 1 minute video has highlighted On2Cook as the Fastest Cooking Device. It has earned a valuation of Rs 100 crores and secured a seed funding of Rs 17 crores. Why it has caught the fancy of the business tycoon is because the device can prepare a pizza in 2minutes, samosas in 4 minutes, or a cake in just 5 minutes. Developed by serial inventor Sanandan Sudhir, On2Cook is a smart cooking device that simultaneously cooks food by combining microwaves and induction. Due to its unique tech, On2Cook saves 70% of cooking time and 50% of energy. Sanandan’s invention has secured patents from India, UK and US.
Sanandan was also seen on television screens during the grand finale Shark Tank India Season 1. Though the Sharks did not invest in his venture then, but he ultimately was able to get seed funding at the precise valuation he was seeking. The device has already reached many commercial restaurants and cloud kitchens in Gujarat and Maharashtra regions and the company plans to launch it big in the B2B segment soon. Going by the popularity the device is gaining, it is all set to revolutionise the Indian kitchens.