Chennai, May 30, 2022: As part of their 60 Minutes Compliance series, Aparajitha Corporate Services Private Limited, India’s Leading Compliance Provider, today organised a webinar, to discuss consequences and business impacts of non-compliance with Fire NOC and NBC Code. The session was
moderated and addressed by Dr. G. Sridharan, Compliance Expert – Environment, Health & Safety Laws, Aparajitha Corporate Services Private Limited.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rajesh. C, Chief Marketing Officer, Aparajitha Corporate Service Private Limited said, “The Indian government has made it compulsory for businesses to obtain Fire NOC and follow National Building Code (NBC) to prevent fire contingencies and ensure the buildings have all fire safety measures. Today’s ‘60 Minutes Compliance” webinar is about how an individual, organisation, or association can incorporate NBC guidelines for buildings, obtain Fire NOC & Fire License and avoid implications of NBC guidelines and Fire NOC negligence.”
Fire NOC is the certificate issued by the Fire Department of the respective state after examining and checking the building’s fire assistance and the machinery installed for fire safety. It is mandatory to obtain Fire NOC from the fire department to ensure adherence and compliance to the relevant state
authority’s guidelines. Over the period of time, the amount of property purchases and Commercial
conveyance purchases has increased. It is the responsibility of the owner of the premises to ensure
that compliance is maintained with the Department of Fire.
The National Building Code of India covers the detailed guidelines for the construction, maintenance,
and fire safety of the structures. Guidelines were issued to the States to incorporate the recommendations of the National Building Code into their local building as a mandatory requirement.
Through our ‘60 Minutes Compliance webinar series we aim to discuss
● the non-compliance implications.
● updated information on HR activities, compliance & trends.
● appropriate case studies on how the corporate world would have to adapt to these applicable
changes,” adds Rajesh
Today’s session active participation of 700 participants, including HR professionals, & mid-senior level
personnel, and EHS specialists.